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How to Care for your Pets While on a Travel Assignment

How to Care for your Pets While on a Travel Assignment

Nursing assignments, and the necessity of travel, are a vivid reality of the profession. After all, saving people`s lives, health and wellbeing is our lives` calling – even if we have travel thousands of kilometers to do so. As nurses, it is not unusual to drop everything at a moment`s notice and be at our next assignment the next minute. When that happens, our daily routine is upended and any plans and schedules that may have been made fly out the window.

So what to do when you are expected to be on your next assignment, with little or no notice? What does that mean for our furry four-legged companions, out pets? Worry not, what if I told you that with a little planning ahead, you can allay all your travel-related fears? It is not uncommon for nurses on assignment to be accompanied by their pets. Thousands of nurses have done it before you, so the idea of a hassle-free travel experience with your pets is not a new one. You merely need to follow the following tips to make the trip and experience worthwhile.

  • Always notify your Nursing Recruiter of your Travel Plans
    Keeping your recruiter appraised of all your travel plans will ensure that your living arrangements are made to accommodate your pet`s needs. Some apartments and housing units frown upon the idea of pets, so don’t wait until the last minute to look for an apartment that does. It doesn`t hurt to look for suitable, pet-friendly accommodation several days in advance, booking it early to avoid any nasty surprises.
  • Anticipate your Pet`s Travel Needs
    Air travel or cross-border travel with your pet may entail additional requirements that you must meet. It is part of your responsibility as a pet owner to ensure that you have a strong, comfortable crate or case to contain your pet for the duration of the trip. Additionally, one should acquire a strong leash to restrain your pet. Remember that it is visiting a new, unfamiliar and strange place and as a result, it may become highly excitable and prance about, disrupting others in the process. A microchip is also helpful in locating your pet in the event that it escapes its leash and gets lost. Flying with your pet on assignment may also require extra documentation. Ensure that your pet is appropriately vaccinated before you leave, and don`t forget to carry your veterinary records with you.

  • Pack for your Pet
    As your pack your clothes and nursing materials, do not forget that your pet too has objects and stuff it considers its own. Think of something like its favorite chewable toy, any ongoing medication or even a favorite toy. As the stress of travel takes it toll on your pet, it may begin to whimper, or otherwise display signs of discomfort. A favorite toy or snack will no doubt go a long way in calming him down, making the travel experience fulfilling and fun for the both of you.

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